Thursday, February 4, 2021

Five Favorite Episodes of “GAME OF THRONES” Season Three (2013)


Below is a list of my favorite episodes from Season Three of "GAME OF THRONES", HBO's adaptation of the first half of George R. R. Martin's 2000 novel from his A Song of Ice and Fire series, "A Storm of Swords". The series was created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss:


1. (3.09) "The Rains of Castamere" - Robb Stark, his mother Catelyn and their entourage arrive at the Twins for the wedding of Robb's Uncle Edmure Tully to one of Walder Frey's daughter. Jon Stark is put to the test by the Freefolk to see where his loyalties truly lie. Daenerys Targaryen plans to invade the Essos city of Yunkai.

2. (3.04) "And Now His Watch Is Ended" - Jaime Lannister mopes over his hand that was chopped off by Stark bannerman Roose Bolton's man-at-arms, Locke. Jaime's sister, Queen Cersei is growing uncomfortable with the her family's new allies, the Tyrells. The Night's Watch is growing impatient with its Freefolk ally, Craster. Daenerys buys the Unsullied army.

3. (3.07) "The Bear and the Fair Maiden" - Jon and his Freefolk companions travel south of the Wall. Robb's wife, Talisa Maegyr Stark, reveals that she is pregnant. Arya Stark runs away from the Brotherhood. Daenerys arrives at Yunkai. Jaime is forced to leave his traveling companion/captor Brienne of Tarth behind at Harrenhal by Bolton.

4. (3.10) "Mhysa" - Bran Stark and his companions travel north beyond the Wall. Crow Sam Tarly and Craster's wife/daughter Gilly returns to Castle Black. Jon tries to escape from Ygritte and his other Freefolk compansion. Jaime and Brienne return to King's Landing. The Night's Watch asks for help from Stannis Barantheon and his army. In Essos, the freed Yunkai slaves receive Daenerys as their "mother".

5. (3.03) "Walk of Punishment" - Robb and Catelyn arrive at Riverrun for the funeral of the latter's father, Lord Hoster Tully. Hand of the King Tywin Lannister names younger son Tyrion as the new Master of Coin. The Night's Watch returns to Craster's Keep. Brienne and Jaime are taken prisoner by Locke and his men. Daenerys barters for the 8,000 Unsullied warriors and the translator Missandei in exchange for one of her dragons.

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