Thursday, September 28, 2023

Favorite Episodes of "ARROW" Season Four (2015-2016)


Below is a list of my favorite episodes from Season Four of the CW series, "ARROW". Created by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg; the series starred Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen aka the Arrow:


1. (4.09) "Legends of Yesterday" - In the second half of a two-part crossover that began in "THE FLASH", Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow and Barry Allen aka the Flash and their fellow vigilantes struggle to find a way to save Carter Hall aka Hawkman and Kendra Saunders aka Hawkgirl from and defeat the murderous immortal Vandal Savage.

2. (4.15) "Taken" - Oliver seeks help from old friend Mari McCabe aka Vixen for help in fighting Damien Darhk, the leader of a terrorist group called H.I.V.E. Meanwhile, half-sister Thea Queen aka Speedy has a heart-to-heart talk with her biological father, Malcolm Merlyn.

3. (4.03) "Restoration" - The growing tension between Oliver and his friend/colleague John Diggle aka Spartan endangers their lives when they pursue Darhk and a H.I.V.E. deployed meta-human. Meanwhile, Laurel Lance aka Black Canary talks Thea into returning to Nanda Parbat in order to resurrect her younger sister Sara in the Lazarus Pit.

4. (4.05) "Haunted" - Oliver calls in a favor from old friend and sorcerer John Constantine when the resurrected Sara takes a turn for the worse.

5. (4.02) "The Candidate" - Oliver and Thea are concerned when a family friend plans to run for mayor of Starling City. Thea starts to exhibit side effects from her resurrection thanks to the Lazarus Pit, last season. And Team Arrow's A.I. expert Felicity Smoak asks an employee for help with a business decision.

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